Consider a memorandum/resolution to award RFQ 23-29, Fire Department Mental Health Clinician to A & L Solutions in the amount of $45,000 annually.
DATE: September 19, 2023
TO: Kent Cagle - City Manager
FROM: Jim Kubinksi - Fire Chief
SUBJECT: Fire Department Firefighter Mental Health Services Contract
Repeated exposure to traumatic events while on-duty has been proven to have a negative effect on the mental health of firefighters throughout the nation. Firefighters and EMT's are 1.39 times more likely to die by suicide than the public according to a recent study released by the CDC in 2021, with anywhere from 100-200 firefighter suicides reported each year. The issues is being addressed by governments throughout the country in many different ways with some entities considering the suicide of a firefighter as a "line of duty death".
The Killeen Fire Department recognized this issue and implemented a Firefighter Peer Support Team approximately five years ago. Many studies showed that the first line of defense against firefighter suicide was having a peer that could listen to a members' struggles while being guaranteed total confidentiality. Numerous members were trained through the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Peer Support Training program. After completing the training, members have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide support to their peers, have a basic understanding of common behavioral health issues affecting the fire service, can serve as a bridge to community resources or behavioral health treatment when indicated, and are able to build or enhance their peer support programs. However, the team has recognized that the peer support program alone is not a complete solution. Many Killeen Fire Department members that have made contact with a peer support team member and needed more assistance resulting in their recommendation to make an appointment with a mental health profes...
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