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File #: RS-25-043    Version: 1 Name: Accept HSGP FY25 Grant 5113401
Type: Resolution Status: Resolutions
File created: 2/12/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/1/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider a memorandum/resolution accepting a grant for Homeland Security Grant Program Fiscal Year 2025 for the Field Situational Awareness Program.
Sponsors: Fire Department
Attachments: 1. Award Letter, 2. Contract, 3. Presentation
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Consider a memorandum/resolution accepting a grant for Homeland Security Grant Program Fiscal Year 2025 for the Field Situational Awareness Program.


DATE: March 18, 2025

TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager

FROM: Sara Williams, OHSEM Director

SUBJECT: Consider a memorandum/resolution accepting a grant for Homeland Security Grant Program Fiscal Year 2025 in the amount of $14,223 for the Field Situational Awareness Program.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) annually establishes National Priority Areas (NPA) for the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) and requires the State to dedicate at least 30% of Texas State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) funds to projects under these NPAs. Staff submitted a project under the NPA of Information and Intelligence Sharing/Cooperation. This grant application was awarded.

Allowable project costs include the purchase of software to enhance intelligence collection, integration and analysis, and information sharing capabilities, to support cooperation among local, state, and federal partners in all aspects of homeland security. The grant will be used to purchase cloud-based software that will provide ability to implement a virtual Emergency Operations Center (EOC) or share information between agencies in the event of a live EOC activation.

City staff applied for a total of $20,511.00 and was awarded $14,223 of regional funding through the Texas Office of the Governor eGrants System.



Which alternative is recommended? Why?



All purchases with the grant funds will adhere to city, state, and federal purchasing policies.


What is the amount of the revenue/expenditure in the current fiscal year? For future years?

The total amount for the project is $20,511. The grant award covers $14,223. An Additional $1,033 will come from the Emergency Management Fund balance, with the remaining $5,255 in ma...

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