Consider a memorandum/resolution to approve inspection, cleaning, and repair of Personal Protective Equipment through Lion Total Care in an amount not to exceed $61,626.
DATE: February 7, 2023
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Jim Kubinski, Fire Chief
SUBJECT: PPE Cleaning/Repair Through Lion Total Care
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) publishes fire industry codes and standards intended to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other risks. NFPA Standard 1851 addresses requirements for the selection, care, and maintenance of firefighting protective equipment. This standard requires an Advanced Inspection of all protective equipment annually, or whenever a Routine Inspection determines potential damage. In addition, this standard also requires Advanced Cleaning of all protective equipment twice annually. These services are required to be performed by the original manufacturer, a verified and trained independent service provider, or a member of the department who has been properly trained and certified. Lion Total Care is a subsidiary of Lion's First Responders PPE Inc, which is the original manufacturer of the Personal Protective Equipment we use daily. Lion Total Care will provide Advanced Inspections, Advanced Cleaning, and Repairs as necessary in an amount not to exceed $61,626 through Lion's First Responders PPE Inc Sourcewell contract #032620.
1. Deny the request as written; or
2. Approve the request to utilize Lion Total Care for Advanced Inspection, Cleaning, and Repair of Personal Protective Equipment through Lion's First Responders PPE Inc. Sourcewell cooperative purchasing contract #032620.
Which alternative is recommended? Why?
Staff recommends approval of the request as written to conform to industry standards as outlined in NFPA 1851.
This purchase of services will be made through the Sourcewell purchasing cooper...
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