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File #: RS-25-038    Version: 1 Name: CenTex ARC PSA Second Amendment
Type: Resolution Status: Resolutions
File created: 2/14/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing a second amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Central Texas Alcohol Rehabilitation Center, increasing the amount for substance use disorder counseling and treatment services, in the amount of $57,734.
Sponsors: Community Development Department
Attachments: 1. Second Amended Professional Services Agreement, 2. Presentation
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Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing a second amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Central Texas Alcohol Rehabilitation Center, increasing the amount for substance use disorder counseling and treatment services, in the amount of $57,734.


DATE: March,18 2025

TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager

FROM: Tiffanie McNair, Executive Director of Community Development

SUBJECT: Second Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Central Texas Alcohol and Rehabilitation Center (Cen-Tex ARC)


On December 12, 2023, Killeen city council approved, under Resolution 23-192R the Professional Services agreement with Central Texas Alcohol Rehabilitation Center (Cen-Tex ARC) in the amount $143,130.00 for the provision of substance use disorder treatment, counseling, and comprehensive wrap-around services.

On April 4, 2024, the City and Cen-Tex ARC executed the First Amended Agreement which only provided for administrative amendments to clarify max number of days per participants and clarification on representatives with authority to coordinate required services. Whereas there were no monetary or substantive changes to the original agreement, the First Amendment did not require City Council approval.

This program continues to support efforts outlined and recommended in the Homeless and Mental Health Strategic Plan with one of the focus area needs, intensive mental health and substance use disorder treatment. Funding for the program supports two (2) scholarship beds for those experiencing homeless, requiring substance abuse treatment services, and lack insurance coverage. The Funding City of Killeen receives in disbursements from the State of Texas Opioid Abatement settlement instrumental in supporting this program assisting individuals to exit homelessness in Killeen.

The Second Amended Agreement will provide supplemental funding for continued substance use disorder treatment, counseling, and comprehensive wra...

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