Hold a public hearing and consider an ordinance requested by Republic Engineering & Development Services on behalf of 5011CunninghamRd Killeen, LLC (Case# Z25-04) to rezone approximately 22.91 acres out of the T. Cunningham Survey, Abstract No. 199, being Lots 71-74 out of Llewelyn Estates #3 (unrecorded subdivision), from "A" (Agricultural District) and "R-1" (Single-Family Residential District) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) with "SF-2" (Single-Family Residential District) and "RT-1" (Residential Townhouse Single-Family District) uses. The subject property is locally addressed as 5011 Cunningham Road, Killeen, Texas. (Requires a 3/4 majority vote).
DATE: April 1, 2025
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Wallis Meshier, Executive Director of Development Services
SUBJECT: Zoning Case # Z25-04: "A" and "R-1" to PUD w/"SF-2" and "RT-1"
Property Information:
Property Owner: 5011CunninghamRd Killeen, LLC
Agent: Republic Engineering
Current Zoning: "A" (Agricultural District) & "R-1" (Single-Family Residential District)
Proposed Zoning: Planned Unit Development (PUD) w/"SF-2" (Single-Family Residential
District) and "RT-1" (Residential Townhouse Single-Family District)
FLUM Designation: 'Residential Mix' (RM)
Growth Sector Designation: 'Controlled Growth'
Summary of Request:
Republic Engineering & Development Services, on behalf of 5011CunninghamRd Killeen, LLC, has submitted a request to rezone approximately 22.91 acres, located at 5011 Cunningham Road, from "A" (Agricultural District) and "R-1" (Single-Family Residential District) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) with "SF-2" (Single-Family Residential District) and "RT-1" (Residential Townhouse Single-Family District) uses. If approved, the applicant intends to develop twenty-five (25) townhomes and fifty-five (55) single-family units for a total of eighty (80) units on a single lot in accordance with the attached PUD Concept Plan. The proposed development is int...
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