Consider a memorandum/resolution securing a Closed Caption System.
DATE: April 18, 2023
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Janell Ford, Executive Director of Communications
SUBJECT: Procurement of a Closed Caption System
In August, 2021 the City Council gave direction to explore closed captioning options. The City recognizes that some members of the public may require accommodations to receive traditional audio and video feeds of public meetings. The City wishes to reach a broader audience for webcasting and live broadcasts of public meetings, as well as meet ADA compliance requirements for hearing-impaired citizens. The addition of a closed captioning system will enable the City to provide accommodations for the hearing impaired.
Staff conducted on-site testing and visited agencies using closed caption technology. Three vendors-- ENCO, Swagit and Granicus solutions were tested with the City's current broadcast system. Granicus is also the current vendor that provides internet streaming of City Council meetings and had an additional cost of $102,000 a year, with increases annually. After extensive on-site tests of each vendor, a service at no cost provides the best solution- YouTube.com. The City's YouTube channel provides text of meetings and will be visible to any citizen whether they have a YouTube account or not. The text is also searchable on all archived videos, giving users another method to find information.
1. Do not authorize the procurement of a Closed Caption System and accommodations for the hearing impaired
2. Authorize the procurement of the Closed Caption System from Granicus to provide accommodations for the hearing impaired, in the amount not to exceed $102,000 for FY23
3. Authorize meeting recordings to be placed on the City's YouTube channel with a closed captioning service option at no cost and continue with American sign Language (ASL) option by reque...
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