Hold a public hearing and consider an ordinance submitted by Mickey Salehi (Case# Z25-05) to rezone approximately 0.063 acres, being part of Lot 12, Block 10, out of the Killeen Original Addition, from "B-5" (Business District) with "HOD" (Historic Overlay District) to "B-C-1" (General Business and Alcohol Sales District) with "HOD" (Historic Overlay District). The subject property is locally addressed as 321 North Gray Street, Killeen, Texas.
DATE: April 1, 2025
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Wallis Meshier, Executive Director of Development Services
SUBJECT: Zoning Case # Z25-05: "B-5" with "HOD" to "B-C-1" with "HOD"
Property Information:
Property Owner: Mickey Salehi
Agent: N/A
Current Zoning: "B-5" (Business District) with "HOD" (Historic Overlay District)
Proposed Zoning: "B-C-1" General Business and Alcohol Sales District) with "HOD" (Historic Overlay District)
FLUM Designation: 'Urban Village' (UV)
Growth Sector Designation: 'Infill & Enhance' (IE)
Summary of Request:
Mickey Salehi has submitted a request to change the underlying zoning of the property located at 321 North Gray Street from "B-5" (Business District) to "B-C-1" (General Business and Alcohol Sales District). The property is located within the Historic Overlay District, and therefore has a zoning overlay designation of "HOD" (Historic Overlay District). If approved, the applicant intends to utilize the property as a restaurant and bar. During the week, the proposed business will operate primarily as a restaurant and will serve lunch and dinner and provide a full menu of food choices. On weekends, the business will offer a limited food menu and nightlife. From 9:00 pm to 2:00 am on weekends, the business will serve alcohol and play music.
Per Killeen Code of Ordinances Sec. 31-306.1(a), a restaurant engaged in the on-premises sale and consumption of alcohol shall not obtain more than fifty percent of its gross receipts from the on-premi...
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