HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending the FY 2024 Annual Budget of the City of Killeen to increase revenue and expense accounts in multiple funds.
DATE: November 14, 2023
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Miranda Drake, Assistant Director of Finance
SUBJECT: Budget Amendment
This budget amendment comprises nine initiatives, with the first five involving grant funding.
The initiatives are as follows:
1. Allocate the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) award of $92,057 for the year 2023. The pass-through amount to the City of Temple is $20,713, amount to Bell County is $24,855, with the remaining funds of $46,489 earmarked for the Real Time Crime Center project for the City of Killeen.
2. Allocate grant funds of $5,000 for the CPR-Regional Community Preparedness project, aimed at promoting public awareness and preparedness through various activities such as billboards, social media content, flyers, informational meetings, workshops, and educational materials.
3. Carry forward unspent FY 2023 non-CIP appropriations for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding of $1,741,786 and allocate additional available ARPA funds as per City Council's directive on October 3, 2023.
4. Carry over unutilized appropriations for the PETCO Grants of $116,418. Project codes 210043 pertain to FY 2021 funds, 220005 to FY 2022, and 230002 to FY 2023.
5. Appropriation of $20,989 to meet the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant match requirement for the Airport Taxiway B Rehab project.
6. Carry forward unspent funds from the 2023 Certificates of Obligation (CO) Bonds for multiple projects. These funds cannot be rolled over as part of the CIP Rollover because they were appropriated after the FY 2024 CIP was proposed and, therefore, do not fall within the ordinance allowing for automatic rollover.
7. Allocate Police State Seizure Fund ($120,718) and Police Federal Seizure Fund ($53,547) balances to assist with funding...
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