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File #: RS-25-034    Version: 1 Name: Resolution to Authorize Execution of Agreement with LD Tebben, PAX Services Company
Type: Resolution Status: Resolutions
File created: 2/11/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider a memorandum/resolution awarding a Contract with LD Tebben, PAX Services Company, through the TIPS National Purchasing Cooperative, for the Hangar Roof Rehabilitation Project at Skylark Field, in the amount of $98,150.
Sponsors: Aviation Department
Attachments: 1. Agreement, 2. Contract Verification, 3. Certificate of Interested Parties, 4. Presentation
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Consider a memorandum/resolution awarding a Contract with LD Tebben, PAX Services Company, through the TIPS National Purchasing Cooperative, for the Hangar Roof Rehabilitation Project at Skylark Field, in the amount of $98,150.


DATE: March 18, 2025

TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager

FROM: Mike Wilson, Executive Director of Aviation

SUBJECT: Hangar Roof Rehabilitation Project at Skylark Field Airport


The City of Killeen owns and maintains various aircraft hangars at Skylark Field Airport. These hangars are currently leased and occupied by tenants that generate revenue for the airport.

Over the last few years, the hangar roof at 2601 Stonetree Drive has developed numerous issues, and despite frequent repairs by staff, the roof has continued to deteriorate. It has reached a point where it can no longer be effectively repaired and has become a safety hazard to the tenants and the aircraft stored in them. This project consists of a full roof rehabilitation, which is approximately 35 years old.

Staff solicited three businesses that participate in the City's Approved cooperative purchasing programs:

LD Tebben, PAX Services Company $ 98,150.00
Harrison Roofing Co., Inc. $ 98,164.70
Roof Connect National Roofing Services $ 132,771.00

After reviewing the solicited quotes, staff recommends LD Tebben, PAX Services Company as the preferred choice, due to their competitive pricing and the overall value they offer. Based on the evaluation, it is staff's recommendation to award the contract to LD Tebben, PAX Services Company, through the TIPS contract #21060301 in the amount of $98,150.00.

This project qualifies for reimbursement with Texas Department of Transportation's Routine Airport Maintenance Program (RAMP) and will receive a 90% reimbursement of the total cost.



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This purchase of services will be made through the TI...

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