Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing the award of Bid No. 23-41, Wastewater Improvements for Chaparral Road Project to Arguijo Corporation with a contract in the amount of $2,729,604.
DATE: September 19, 2023
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Jeffery Reynolds, Executive Director of Public Works
SUBJECT: Authorize the Award of Bid No. 23-41, Wastewater Improvements for Chaparral Road Project to Arguijo Corporation
The 2019 Water and Wastewater Master Plan includes project 7S - construction of a sewer main north of Chaparral Road and west of Trimmier Road (Project No. 180014). It also includes the construction of a force main along Chaparral Road that will allow wastewater flows from this area to be diverted from Lift Station No. 24 to the South Wastewater Treatment Plant. This project will bring sewer service to the area around the intersection of Chaparral Road and Trimmier Road. The completion of this project is critical for construction of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funded Fire Station No. 4/Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Project.
On August 10, 2023, two (2) bids were received in response to Bid No. 23-41, Wastewater Improvements for Chaparral Road Project. The following bids were opened and read aloud:
Purchasing, Water and Sewer, and Walker Partners staff reviewed the bids and relevant bidder experience based on the selection criteria set forth in the contract documents and response of references. Arguijo Corporation is recommended as the awarded bidder for Bid No. 23-41, Wastewater Improvements for Chaparral Road Project in the amount of $2,729,604 as they are the lowest responsible bidder whose proposal is the most advantageous to the city.
(1) Do not authorize award Bid No. 23-41, Wastewater Improvements for Chaparral Road Project; resulting in the City not meeting the ARPA funded Fire Station No. 4/EOC timeline.
(2) Authorize the award of Bid No. ...
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