Consider a memorandum/resolution approving support addendum No. 3 with Routeware, Inc., to continue providing route optimization tracking for the City of Killeen's Solid Waste fleet, in the amount of $86,048.
DATE: December 3, 2024
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Jeffery Reynolds, Executive Director of Public Works
SUBJECT: Routeware, Inc. Support Addendum No. 3 to Master Agreement
On November 10, 2015, City Council authorized the award of a contract to Routeware, Inc. to implement hardware and software technology in the Solid Waste Division's vehicles. On September 5, 2023, the City Council approved a hardware upgrade for 37 residential and 18 commercial Solid Waste vehicles, replacing outdated equipment that was no longer supported by Routeware. Routeware, Inc. is a premium service optimization company that specializes in the solid waste industry.
Routeware's innovative products and services increase driver productivity and reduce direct costs. Routeware has allowed the Solid Waste Division to avoid paper-based routing methods, automate vehicle communications, and avoid manual data processing of operational information. During the pilot program, Solid Waste realized cost savings and efficiencies because of reduced idle time, enlarged spans of supervisory control, and decreased vehicle wear. Also, Solid Waste received fewer callbacks while simultaneously receiving a higher capture of overages via overloaded container fees, missed pickup fees, and bulk charges. Entering this Support Addendum No. 3 for a term of five (5) years, will allow for continued substantial efficiencies, lead to better support, and contribute to estimated cost savings per truck of $25 to $30 per day per route.
Routeware is a cost-effective, proven solution currently used by the City of Killeen, as well as other Texas cities, including Waco and El Paso. This system has allowed professional conflict resolution over disputed charges and...
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