Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing a contract amendment with Scheibe Consulting, LLC, for the Drainage Master Plan Project, in the amount of $62,810.00.
DATE: December 3, 2024
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Edwin Revell, Executive Director of Development Services
SUBJECT: Authorize the execution of a Contract Amendment with Schiebe Consulting LLC, for the Drainage Master Plan Project in the amount of $62,810.00
The Drainage Master Plan Project was included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Capital Improvement Plan because of the need to update the existing 2012 Drainage Master Plan. Since 2012, several drainage improvements projects have been completed, new growth and land development have occurred throughout the city, and drainage standards have changed.
The City's current plan has not been updated since 2012. The drainage program needs updating to conform with current design standards and methodologies in order to provide guidance for capital projects throughout the city. Additionally, the current engineering standards needs to be updated to meet current methodologies, standards, and MS4 permit requirements.
This contract amendment includes performing modeling and a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) study for the location near Rosewood Drive and Acorn Creek. This study will include the changes to the area that have occurred since the initial Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps were approved in 2008. Since that time, Rosewood has been widened by the Texas Department of Transportation and a portion of the drainage ditch was paved in connection with development to the west. This study was at the request of the development along the west side of Rosewood Drive in this location. The efforts for this study in this location were to be included Phase II of the Master Plan once funding became available. The developer has requested the City to perform this work sooner so needed information can be ...
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