Consider a memorandum/resolution awarding Bid Number 23-30 for the Hangar Door Replacement Project to NNAC Inc., in an amount of $110,340.34.
DATE: June 20, 2023
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Mike Wilson, Executive Director of Aviation
SUBJECT: Award Bid No. 23-30 Hangar Door Replacement at Skylark Field Airport
This project is for the Hangar Door Replacement for one of the City owned commercial hangars at Skylark Field Airport. The doors on this hangar are at least 35 years old. Over the last several years they began to deteriorate and require frequent repairs to keep them operational. They have now reached a point where they can no longer be effectively repaired and have become a safety hazard to the tenants leasing the hangar and the aircraft stored in them. This project consists of replacing the current doors with new horizontal sliding doors and replacing all structural steel and any other items required for this new door to operate per manufacturers specifications and meet all safety, building code, and engineering requirements.
On September 19, 2022, the City accepted a Texas Department of Transportation Routine Airport Maintenance Program (RAMP) grant. After completion of the project, the RAMP grant will reimburse the City $50,000 of the cost of this project. The initial funding, to complete this project, will come from the Aviation operating fund.
This project has been advertised on two other occasions. The first time the bids came in over the available funding. The project was later readvertised with additional funding. However, the City received no bids in response. The project was then readvertised, for a third time, beginning on April 2, 2023. Advertising appeared in the local newspaper as well as the City's website. Additionally, it was advertised on multiple statewide electronic bidding sites.
Bids were opened on April 26, 2023, and the City of Killeen received two (2) bids as follows:
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