Hold a public hearing and consider an ordinance submitted by Quintero Engineering, LLC on behalf of Nozad Realty, LLC (FLUM 25-01) to amend the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation for approximately 0.59 acres out of the John Essary Survey, Abstract No. 296, from ‘Floodplain’ to ‘Neighborhood Commercial’. The subject property is locally addressed as 3019 Florence Road, Killeen, Texas.
DATE: April 1, 2025
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Wallis Meshier, Executive Director of Development Services
SUBJECT: Case No. FLUM 25-01: ‘F’ to ‘NC’
Property Information:
Property Owner: Nozad Realty, LLC
Agent: Quintero Engineering, LLC
Current FLUM Designation: ‘Floodplain’ (F)
Requested FLUM Designation: ‘Neighborhood Commercial’ (NC)
Current Zoning: “R-3” (Multifamily Residential District)
Summary of Request:
Quintero Engineering, LLC, on behalf of Nozad Realty, LLC, has submitted a request to amend the Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from a ‘Floodplain’ designation to a ‘Neighborhood Commercial’ designation. If approved, the applicant intends to rezone the property to develop the portion of the property outside the floodplain for commercial use.
Zoning/Plat Case History:
The property was annexed into the City of Killeen corporate limits on September 9, 1962. The property was zoned “R-1” at the time of the initial zoning after annexation. The property was rezoned from “R-1” (Single-Family Residential District) to “R-3” (Multifamily Residential District) on March 22, 1977.
Character of the Area:
North: Existing residential zoned “R-1” (Single-Family Residential District)
South: Existing commercial zoned “B-5” (Business District)
East: Existing residential zoned “R-1” (Single-Family Residential District)
West: Existing residential zoned “R-1” (Single-Family Residential District)
Future Land Use Map Analysis:
The subject property is located within the ‘Open Space’ area on the Growth Sector Map and is designated as ‘Floodplain’ (F) on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the Killeen 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
Properties within the ‘Open Space’ sector include land that has not been identified for preservation but is valuable as open space and/or public-owned property. This sector includes floodplains, floodways, and buffers; areas of unique natural habitat, viewsheds, or steep topography; desired parkland and public open space; and right-of-way and easements for desired transportation and utility corridors.
The ‘Floodplain’ place type captures most of the undeveloped land that is located within the floodplain, as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The floodplain often runs throughout the City and connects many areas of interest including neighborhoods, parks, and recreational facilities. To preserve open spaces along these delicate areas, trails and parks within this category should be carefully constructed to preserve the natural processes. Any development within these areas is low impact, such as docks and benches that do not negatively impact the functions of the floodplain.
If approved the ‘Neighborhood Commercial’ place type is a predominantly a commercial extension of a traditional neighborhood. These places generally grow along with a neighborhood and need to be allowed to change over time to intensify as its surrounding neighborhood does. These are placed along a corridor of some kind, often a higher traffic roadway that serves as the edge of a neighborhood. These areas bridge pedestrian and auto-oriented development patterns. Street parking and continuous building frontages are very important here as it creates a pleasant experience for people who traverse the area on foot. Shared parking should be encouraged. High-intensity small lot residential is acceptable within this place type. This place type encourages one hundred percent (100%) nonresidential and twenty-five percent (25%) residential use mix.
Staff has identified a trail in front of the property along the frontage of Florence Road, as indicated on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) and the Parks Master Plan.
Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan:
In accordance with Killeen Code of Ordinances Sec. 31-39(j), the following factors shall be considered when considering whether to approve a request to amend the City’s Future Land Use Map (FLUM):
1. Is the proposed amendment consistent with the principles and policies set forth in the comprehensive plan?
The request is consistent with the following recommendations of the Killeen 2040 Comprehensive Plan:
§ LU1 - Use place types and complete neighborhoods as building blocks.
§ LU2 - Improve the fiscal productivity of development.
§ LU3 - Encourage incremental evolution of neighborhoods.
§ NH4 - Build complete neighborhoods.
2. Is the proposed amendment compatible with the character of the surrounding area?
Staff finds that this request aligns with the Residential Mix designation directly adjacent to the north and east. It is noted that the ‘Open Space’ designation may have been assigned due to the presence of a floodplain in the northern portion of the property. However, the specific 0.59-acre area proposed for development is currently designated as ‘Floodplain.’ The applicant has indicated that this portion falls within Flood Zone ‘X,’ which is considered developable.
3. What is the impact of the proposed amendment on infrastructure provision, including water, wastewater, drainage, and the transportation network?
The current zoning classification for the property is “R-3”. The property is currently undeveloped and located in the floodplain. However, if the property were to develop with the current zoning classification, it would generate approximately 300 average daily trips.
The proposed zoning classification for the property is “B-3”. Based on the proposed use provided with the Future Land Use Map change application and information contained in the 10th Edition of the ITA Trip Generation documents, the proposed use will generate approximately 10,611 average daily trips. The change in the number of average daily trips is above the City of Killeen’s criteria for an individual traffic impact analysis requirement.
An individual traffic impact analysis is currently required based on the provided information. If this information is updated in the future, the City Engineer may waive the requirement.
4. What is the impact of the proposed amendment on the City's ability to provide, fund, and maintain services?
Staff finds that there is no negative impact on the City’s ability to provide, fund, and maintain services. Development of this property will generate additional ad valorem tax, thereby improving the fiscal productivity of the area.
5. What is the impact of the proposed amendment on environmentally sensitive and natural areas?
It is the understanding of the City of Killeen that the applicant wishes to amend the current FLUM for a 0.60-acre portion of the 4.9-acre parent tract located in the southeast corner of the parent tract and that is located outside the current floodplain limits.
Any future development occurring on the 0.60-acre tract will be required, by existing City of Killeen statues, to mitigate any increase in stormwater runoff occurring as a result of the development via onsite detention, management of impervious cover, or other generally accepted methods. As such, any impact to the existing floodplain, floodway, and any environmentally sensitive areas will be inconsequential.
6. Do City staff, the planning and zoning commission, and/or the City Council have sufficient information to move ahead with a decision (e.g., utility capacity, potential traffic impacts, other public service implications, resident/stakeholder concerns and input)?
Yes. Information regarding available utility services, traffic impact, etc. has been included in this staff report.
Staff has received no written responses regarding this request.
Water, Sewer and Drainage Services:
Provider: City of Killeen
Within Service Area: Yes
Feasibility Study or Service Commitment: Water, wastewater, and drainage utility services are located within the City of Killeen municipal utility service area and are available to the subject tracts.
Water service is available via an existing 12” transmission main located in Florence Road. No wastewater service is currently to the property. Service will need to be extended from an existing 12” wastewater main located to the north of the property. No existing storm sewer infrastructure is available to serve the property.
Transportation and Thoroughfare Plan:
Access to the property is via Florence Road (60-foot-wide ROW). Florence Road is identified as a Collector roadway by the adopted Comprehensive Plan.
The current zoning classification for the property is “R-3”. The property is currently undeveloped and located in the floodplain. However, if the property were to develop with the current zoning classification, it would generate approximately three hundred (300) Average Daily Trips.
The proposed zoning classification for the property is “B-3”. Based on the proposed use provided with the Future Land Use Map change application and informed contained in the 10th Edition of the ITA.
Environmental Assessment:
The property is in the Nolan Creek / Leon River Watershed and is located in Zone AE (1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard), per FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map 48027C0280E with effective date September 26, 2008.
The National Wetlands Inventory maps for this property show a Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland and a Riverine habitat traversing the property.
It is the understanding of the City of Killeen that the applicant only wishes to amend the current FLUM for a portion (southeast corner) of the subject tract that is located outside of the portion of the lot that is impacted by the current floodplain/floodway. As such, the impact on the environmentally sensitive areas should be minimal. However, the responsibility for a final determination of any environmental impacts should remain with the applicant. It is recommended that the remainder of the overall tract remain open space.
Public Notification:
Staff notified the owners of twenty-eight (28) surrounding properties regarding this request. Five (5) of the surrounding property owners reside outside of Killeen. To date, staff has received no written responses regarding this request.
Staff Findings:
The current zoning of the subject property is “R-3” (Multifamily Residential District) and is currently undeveloped land. The surrounding area includes a mix of residential.
Which alternative is recommended? Why?
The proposed FLUM amendment does not involve the expenditure of City funds.
What is the amount of the expenditure in the current fiscal year? For future years?
The proposed FLUM amendment does not involve the expenditure of City funds.
Is this a one-time or recurring expenditure?
This is not applicable.
Is this expenditure budgeted?
This is not applicable.
If not, where will the money come from?
This is not applicable.
Is there a sufficient amount in the budgeted line-item for this expenditure?
This is not applicable.
Staff recommends approval of the applicant’s request to amend the Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation from a ‘Floodplain’ designation to ‘Neighborhood Commercial’ designation.
At their regular meeting on February 24, 2025, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended disapproval of the applicant’s request by a vote of 5 to 1, with Commissioner Giacomozzi voting in opposition to the motion.
Commissioner Giacomozzi stated that he supported the request because the property is predominantly located outside of the floodplain.
This item has been reviewed by the Planning and Legal staff.
Site Photos
Flood Zone Exhibit
Letter of Request