Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing the award of Bid No. 24-01 for Water and Sewer Materials, in an amount of $920,377 in FY 2024.
DATE: October 17, 2023
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Jeffery Reynolds, Executive Director of Public Works
SUBJECT: Authorize the Award of Bid No. 24-01, Water and Sewer Materials
The Water and Sewer Division utilizes various materials throughout the year to operate and maintain the water distribution system and sewer collection system. These items are procured through the bid process on an annual basis.
On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, bids were opened and read aloud for Bid No. 24-01, Water and Sewer Materials based on twelve-month quantities of these material items. Water and Sewer, along with Purchasing, evaluated each bid's conformance with the bid information and instructions. The following seven (7) vendors submitted complete or partial bids on the specified supply items:
Vendor |
Bid |
Aqua Metric Sales Company |
$721,701 partial bid |
Benmark Supply Company |
$242,005 partial bid |
Core & Main, LP |
$988,099 |
Ferguson Enterprises, LLC |
$253,779 partial bid |
Fortiline, Inc. |
$1,100,460 |
HydroPro Solutions |
$907,936 partial bid |
Zenner USA, Inc. |
$742,626 partial bid |
Vendors are selected based on the lowest bid for each individual material item, which allows the Water and Sewer Division the ability to purchase items at the lowest cost to the city.
Agreements for Bid 24-01, will be for an initial twelve-month term with the possibility of up to one (1), twelve-month extension.
The selected vendors for each item are as follows:
Section 1. Fire hydrants, extensions, traffic kits, pipe, and tubing
Items 1-2, 7, 10, 21-24, 28-30, 32, and 34: Benmark Supply
Items 25-26 and 33: Core & Main
Items 3-6, 8-9, 11-20, and 31: Ferguson Enterprises
Item 27: Fortiline
The selected vendors submitted the lowest bid on these items. They met all bid requirements. Staff recommends that these items be awarded to the selected vendors.
Section 2. Meters, meter boxes, and small meter box (lid only)
Items 35 and 38: Aqua-Metric Sales
Items 44, 48 and 51-52: Benmark Supply
Item 49: Ferguson Enterprises
Items 41-42, 45-47, and 50: Fortiline
Item 43: HydroPro Solutions
The selected vendors submitted the lowest bid on these items except for items 41-43. Zenner USA submitted the lowest bid for these items but did not meet all bid requirements. The selected vendors met all bid requirements. Staff recommends that these items be awarded to the selected vendors.
Section 3. Brass saddles and fittings
Items 67 and 72-74: Benmark Supply
Items 53-56, 58-59, 62-65, 68, 70-71, and 75: Core & Main
Items 57, 61, 66 and 69: Ferguson Enterprises
Item 60: Fortiline
The selected vendors submitted the lowest bid on these items. They met all bid requirements. Staff recommends that these items be awarded to the selected vendors.
Section 4. Clamps, couplings, tapping sleeves, and gate valves
Items 79-84, 101-104, 107, 113, and 116: Benmark Supply
Items 76-78: Core & Main
Items 96-99 and 106: Ferguson Enterprises
Items 85-94, 100, 105, 108-112, 114-115, and 117-119: Fortiline
The selected vendors submitted the lowest bid on these items. They met all bid requirements. Staff recommends that these items be awarded to the selected vendors.
1) Reject all bids and purchase all items on a “as needed” basis.
2) Award contracts to selected vendors for Water and Sewer supply items in an amount not to exceed $920,377.
Which alternative is recommended? Why?
City Staff recommends alternative 2 as it alleviates the need for individual orders and multiple quotes for each purchase request and it locks in prices saving the city from possible price increases throughout the year.
This document conforms with all applicable State and City purchasing policies.
What is the amount of the expenditure in the current fiscal year? For future years?
The total expenditures for FY 2024 will not exceed $920,377.
Is this a one-time or recurring expenditure?
This is a recurring expenditure. However, the purchases will occur on an individual basis under the terms of the contracts as materials are needed.
Is this expenditure budgeted?
Yes, funds are available in the Water & Sewer Fund accounts 550-3410-436.41-65; 550-3410-346.42-06, 550-3410-436.42-15; 550-3410-436.42-55; 550-3410-436.42-60; 550-3410-436.61-73; 550-3410-436.61-74; 550-3410-436.61-75; 550-3415-437.42-06; 550-3415-437.41-65; and the Water & Sewer CIP Fund account 387-8934-493.69-03.
If not, where will the money come from?
Is there a sufficient amount in the budgeted line-item for this expenditure?
City Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the expenditures of material items in an amount of $920,377; and authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute contracts with the selected vendors.
Public Works
Bid Tabulation
Certificate of Interested Parties