Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing a professional services agreement with CP&Y dba STV Infrastructure for the design of the Stonetree Drive Drainage Improvements and Retaining Walls, in the amount of $127,310.00.
DATE: November 14, 2023
TO: Kent Cagle, City Manager
FROM: Edwin Revell, Executive Director of Development Services
SUBJECT: Authorize the execution of a professional services agreement with CP&Y dba STV Infrastructure for the design of the Stonetree Drive Drainage Improvements and Retaining Walls in the amount of $127,310.00.
The FY 2022 Capital Improvement Plan includes the Stonetree Drive Drainage Improvements as a funded project for design and construction. This project has also been updated to include the design for the failing retaining walls within the Stonetree Golf Course that affect the existing drainage pathways and ponds.
This project addresses the runoff from Skylark Field Airport and Stonetree that currently enters into the Golf course. The design will include concrete curbing, ditch improvements, and added design to redirect the runoff to the existing ditches and inlets. The golf course also has three failing retaining walls adjacent to the existing ponds that need to be structurally designed and reconstructed.
Staff requested quotes from two consultants that included CP&Y dba STV Infrastructure and Jones Heroy and Associates.
City staff selected CP&Y dba STV Infrastructure based on their experience in designing similar projects. City staff has negotiated a professional services agreement (PSA) with CP&Y dba STV Infrastructure for the design of the Stonetree Drive Drainage Improvements and Retaining Walls in the amount of $127,310.00.
(1) Delay the design and construction of the Stonetree Drive Drainage Improvements and Retaining Wall Project.
(2) Authorize the execution of a professional services agreement with CP&Y dba STV Infrastructure for the design of the Stonetree Drive Drainage Improvements and Retaining Walls in the amount of $127,310.00.
Which alternative is recommended? Why?
Staff recommends alternative 2, which is to authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with CP&Y dba STV Infrastructure for the design of the Stonetree Drive Drainage Improvements and Retaining Walls in the amount of $127,310.00. CP&Y dba STV Infrastructure have submitted a fair and reasonable proposal for its engineering service and has a good prior project delivery history with projects like this one.
This item confirms to state and local policies
What is the amount of the expenditure in the current fiscal year? For future years?
The fee for services is in the amount of $127,310.00.
Is this a one-time or recurring expenditure?
This is a one-time expenditure
Is this expenditure budgeted?
Yes, funds are available in the Governmental CIP Fund account 349-8930-493.69-01 and the Drainage CIP account 375-8934-493.69-01.
If not, where will the money come from?
Is there a sufficient amount in the budgeted line-item for this expenditure?
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with CP&Y dba STV Infrastructure for the design of the Stonetree Drive Drainage Improvements and Retaining Walls in the amount of $127,310.00, and that the City Manager, or his designee, is expressly authorized to execute any and all change orders within the amounts set by State and Local Law.
Development Services
Contract Verification
Certificate of Interested Parties